If you’re familiar with MS Office products, then you can get up and running with your publications right away.

Microsoft Publisher may not be as precise, but it has a very shallow learning curve. InDesign is also going to produce a Table of Contents and an Index that automatically updates for you whenever you make changes to your file. It allows you to create sophisticated publications with finely tuned text, layout, and graphics to a precision of. If you need a desktop publisher that will give you an ultimate level of precision, then Adobe InDesign is the platform to use. Precision: Adobe InDesign vs Microsoft Publisher Which option could be right for you? Here are some of the key points to consider. On the other hand, Microsoft Publisher is also much easier to use than InDesign and because MS Office is so widely used, the files are fairly compatible with what many people already have.

Most people do not generally send each other Publisher files when they are creating something.

For most people, InDesign is going to be the solution that is chosen simply because it is the industry standard. If you are looking for a desktop publishing solution, then two options that are available today are Adobe InDesign and Microsoft Publisher.